Frequently Asked Questions
PMCA strives to make the permit application process easier to understand. Please use this page as a reference to get answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Contact us if you need more assistance.
- Where can I find the Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Public Access Documents?
- What is required by the UCC when Bonding an above ground pool?
- Where can I find more detailed information about electrical wiring and swimming pools, hot tubs, etc.? (PMCA would like to thank Mike Holt Enterprises for allowing this document to be available to the public for their safety and protection)
- Where can I find information about swimming pool bonding? (Information provided by Mike Holt Enterprises)
- What are the Barrier Safety Guidelines for residential pools?
- Where can I find information related to evaluating water-damaged electrical equipment? (Information provided by NEMA, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
- What is required for energy efficiency in my new home construction (per the 2018 IRC)?
- What is required for residential construction in a floodplain?
- My home is in a floodplain and I am planning to make improvements to it. What do I need to know?
- What form do I need to fill out if my Building Permit is going to expire?
- Where can I find a flow chart for the Land Development and Permitting process in Pennsylvania?
- Where can I find more information about building a Residential Wood Deck?
- Do you provide Construction Code Continuing Education for code officials and design professionals? Yes we do–see this document for more information.
- I am re-roofing my residential structure – do I need a building permit?
- Where can I find the Housing and Urban Development Home website for installation of Manufactured Homes?
- Where can I find information about the update for new and relocated manufactured home licensing?
- Where can I find additional information about fireworks use in Pennsylvania?
- Where can I find information about Elevation Certificates for the National Flood Insurance Program?
- Is an Ice Barrier required?
- Where can I find ICC code adoption information for the state of Pennsylvania, the United States, and Global codes?
- Where can I find information about code acceptance for post frame buildings and post frame building design? (Information provided by the National Frame Building Association)
- Where can I find Electric Service Inspection for Grounding and Bonding and Installation Requirements?
- Where can I find more information about 2021 Accessibility requirements?